Stir-Fried Udon Noodles

Pronounced “Wu Dong Mian” in Chinese, this stir-fried version of U-Don Noodle soup is awesome. The vegetables can be substituted by any other vege that’s in the house. The dish is about 40% noodles, 15% meat, and 45% vegetables. I don’t really use measurements in cooking, so please don’t worry about being specific.

Stir Fry U-Don Preparation

Stir-Fried Udon Ingredients

Here is a picture of all the ingredients basically prepared. You’ll need to do some shopping at the asian market for 1 or 2 things. (All of the Cooking recipes on Asian Living require a trip to the Asian Market.)

* Sesame Oil, Soy Sauce, Shitake Mushrooms (See the bag  of dried 香菇, let them sit in water first), Chicken Broth (granulated is fine), a pinch of sugar, and bag of prepared Udon noodles (乌冬面, usually its a Japanese food); VEGES: Broccoli (cut up), Scallions (cut in 1 inch segments, not too short), garlic (1 or 2 cloves), green pepper (sliced), and an egg (for good measure). MEAT: Choose any meat you want, but don’t cut up a huge steak or anything… I sliced up some pork, as you can see.

1~ Boil U-Don noodles for a few minutes and set them aside.

2~ Put Sesame oil, or vegetable/peanut oil, in a wok. Heat it up and start cooking the meat, garlic, and scallions. (I like going rogue.)

3~ Soon after, throw in the broccoli and mushrooms, or other veges you have.

close up

At this point, a little water helps steam the veges well. Cover it up if you have a cover for your wok.

4~ Add Soy Sauce for a few seconds. Mix it all around. Then, add your Udon noodles (strain them first). Mix, mix, mix! If the color is not dark enough, add more soy sauce, and a pinch of sugar.

5~ Finally, make an empty space in the wok somewhere and crack your egg into it. Chop it up while it cooks, don’t mix too much.

6~ Push it all into a bowl/plate and enjoy!

Udon Noodle Dish

  • jennynakao

    Hi Ben, that looks wonderful! It is also nutritionally well balanced. Hope you don’t mind a little advice for the meat – by marinating it with a little Chinese wine and cornstarch it will be tender.

  • ben.piscopo

    Thanks! I don’t mind suggestions. ^^ Is the Chinese wine called “Bai Jiu” and really strong? Do you know another name for it? Thanks again.