I’d like to thank all AL.ME fans and followers for their support, comments, and sharing over the years. It’s been a wonderful hobby of mine to share experiences from my life in Asia since 2007 and earlier. I plan to keep the blog going strong even though I’ve moved back to America.
Part of keeping up a self-hosted blog includes server and domain costs that amount to about $100 out of pocket per year. So, any ad visits at all are very helpful to keeping the site funded. The ads you see on pages and posts don’t quite meet the basic financial needs yet, so I’m opening up a sort of Ad Funding drive for the holidays this year.
As an Amazon Affiliate (US market only), AL.ME can earn a small % from sales that originate from clicks on this site. No need to donate to AL.ME but please take a moment to click through today. And I’d also appreciate it if your friends could also click through the Amazon Deals on this page. Just like it, tweet it, or share it.
Thank you and have a wonderful holiday season!