Cooking Rice in Style
I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but today I finally bought a rice cooker! Maybe because I’ve been a bread person my whole life I never thought buying a machine specifically for cooking rice was important. But since I’ve been in Asia I have eaten rice just about everyday and loved it. After years of fluffy white rice at restaurants and friend’s houses, I’ve developed a taste for this healthy staple. But when it was time to start looking for one at the supermarket, what I wasn’t prepared for the endless choices in front of me.
There are TONS of rice cooker options on the shelves in Chinese supermarkets, but most of them look pretty ugly. And since I’m not a “heavy” rice eater, I figured the huge 5-6 liter mutha rice cookers wouldn’t be my thing. So, I set out to find a small one that would be an interesting addition to our kitchen here. That’s when I met “Robo”.
Robo is my new rice cooker! She’s a Midea FD162 (1.6L) cooker with a steam tray. This kind of cooker is actually common for new mothers who want to make small amounts of rice and congee for their babies, but it’s just the right size for me! And although my girlfriend was worried that it would be too small, I was able to prove her wrong the first time we used it.
By using only 1/4 the capacity of Robo, we had enough rice for both of us to stuff our faces! I love this thing and I think it will stay in the family for a long, long time.
Although you won’t be able to find these 2 rice cookers on Amazon, maybe one of the 5,000+ other rice cookers on there will suite you!