The Interview gets 5 stars from me. Here are some bits I’ll never forget and neither should you:
- Hilarious! By far the funniest take on US-North Korean, geopolitical affairs I’ve ever seen.
- Unkorean – So much Hollywood /slash/ American culture, with a speckling of Korean bits.
- James Franco – Looks like my cousin! “They hate us cuz they ain’t us!”
- Suuk – When did Eun Jae start her acting career?! (@MiahCouhie, @KimEunJae)
- Manja manja! – That’s what people want, “Give us some shit!” So, true, people want the shit…
- 50 KM west of DanDong – “Did you just say China? And did you just say Dong?” Awesome hat tip to China’s DongBei region with a Jay Chow (周杰伦) soundtrack.
- Sleeper car – Such an awesome sleeper car shot with a mixed group of Chinese. The smoke-wherever-you-want thing is spot on!
- Honeypot – What’s the translation for getting Honey-potted (and honey-dicked)?
- Same, same – “Inside we same-same… but different!” Brings me back to Thailand (@JakeBurgess)
- Supermarket – “This looks like the Wholefoods in my neighborhood.” Ahhh, so accurate…
- Dragon Dog – “It’s like a big, orange, stripey dog!” So awesome that they filmed in a tiger patch.
- Hairy like a bear! – “And your nipples are so pink!” Oh, the fascination with white guy truly exists out there…
- Kim! – Great casting of Kim Jong Eun. Lovable yet crazy. “Yes, I have a butthole, and it’s working overtime.” (@RandallPark)
- Potato yields – Such a classic way to draw attention away from major political faux pas of the past.
- Slow mo ending – Kim’s head blowing up in slow mo with the boom-boom track. Not a terrible ending for a comedy.